6 Results

Integrated Marketing Communications
Start date: 2024/5/28 Day: Tue Time: 19:10-21:30 Hours: 20 Semester: Summer

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Python Basic for AI (5 Weeks)
Start date: 2024/7/13 Day: Sat Time: 11:00-12:50 Hours: 10 Semester: Summer

Registration Open

AI Intermediate using Python and R
Day: Sat Time: 11:00-12:50 Hours: 20 Semester: Fall

Registration Will Reopen Soon - Add to Wishlist

Marketing Principles
Day: Tue Time: 19:10-21:30 Hours: 20 Semester: Fall

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Corporate Communications
Day: Tue Time: 19:10-21:30 Hours: 20 Semester: Spring

Registration Will Reopen Soon - Add to Wishlist

Brands and Branding
Day: Tue Time: 19:10-21:30 Hours: 20 Semester: Fall

Registration Will Reopen Soon - Add to Wishlist

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