User Experience Design

Course Code: UXI101
This course serves as an introduction to UX Design and Design Thinking, and explores their key concepts, principles, processes and collaborating functions. The course will progress through user research and understanding the utility of and how to apply the various methods. As part of this process, participants will learn to develop user personas and journey maps in a way that clearly communicates problems and priorities for action to stakeholders. From there, learners will become able to identify, prioritize and communicate winning features that will be most viable, feasible and desirable for users and discuss how to avoid decision biases in prioritizing features. From here, the course moves into the more practical skills of wire framing, prototyping, and usability testing. Finally, learners will explore the critical concepts and benefits of data-driven design and data-monetization for a UX/CX growth strategy. At the end of the course, learners will “pitch” their own design work.

This course is designed to deliver visible learning outcomes. Active class participation is expected through the end-to-end research and design process as well as group feedback sessions. Rubrics will ensure a balance of concepts and theories, hands-on sessions and group activities as well as topic seminars. Assignments are designed to help learners complete the individual project on time.

Importantly, this course stands apart as unique in that it will discuss these concepts and characteristics within the Japan context. Though the course is applicable to those interested in better understanding the principles of UX in general, it will be particularly valuable for those working in Japan.

1. The ability to conduct effective and thoughtful user research (personas, user flows)

2. A practical understanding of designing product prototypes (wireframes)

3. Delivery of a design pitch that can get executive/stakeholder buy-in

4. Experience collaborating and facilitating within an Agile project framework and deliver an impactful design through the teamwork

Beginning UX designers and career transitioners; Executives and managers who wants to get familiar with the concepts and end-to-end processes of UX for building digital touchpoints for end-users; Anyone in collaborative disciplines who wants to engage in hands-on, project-based learning for basic user research and prototyping
No required textbook