Starting Up Your Own Business (5 Weeks)

Course Code: SOH102
This course is designed to provide aspiring entrepreneurs and those interested in launching a start-up an overview of the fundamentals in planning to create a new venture. The course provides both the practical and theoretical knowledge and frameworks needed to form the foundation of a successful start-up. Taking a workshop approach, the course first introduces key principles in product and market research, then delves into resource and financial management, business plan development, marketing, and finally business launch. Participants should come equipped with an idea for a business, and by the end of the course should walk away with the foundations of a solid business plan as well as the opportunity to pitch and receive feedback on their formalized business plan. Participants will have the chance to examine opportunities and strategies objectively and realistically, therefore giving any potential entrepreneur the means to succeed. There is a wealth of information and resources on entrepreneurship available, but few opportunities to walk through all of the steps needed to create a successful business in the organized and supportive manner that this course provides.
1. Understand the requirements to start your own business.
2. Learn qualitative and quantitative tools to evaluate a business opportunity.
3. Be able to articulate a business proposition in all its aspects.
People looking to start their own business or invest in a startup
No required textbook
Maurizio Raffone
Maurizio is the Chief Financial Officer for Credify Pte Ltd, a Singapore-based Fintech company developing enterprise solutions focused on embedded finance and digital identity. Maurizio has over 20 years of international finance experience, with expertise in credit derivatives, structured finance and fund management. Maurizio's recent roles were as Managing Director at UniCredit, Italy's largest bank, and as Partner at TriSpan LLP, an asset management firm based in London, where he was deputy Chief Investment Officer of TriSpan's global macro fund. Maurizio holds an Mphil in Financial Economics from the University of Cambridge and a first-class honors degree in Economics and Management from Royal Holloway College of the University of London.