- Course Description
- Learning Objectives
- Who should take this course
- Professional Training Certificate Elective Course For:
- Instructor
- Instructor Biography
This course serves as a foundation for auditors and those preparing to conduct an audit. As such, it could also be useful and relevant for those expecting to undergo an audit and who would like a deeper understanding of the process. Auditing has often times been merely a checkbox on the performance of the management of companies. More recently, the auditing industry has been under fire by many stakeholders, both clients and regulators, and for the amount of time and work required for a process that does not typically generate massive profits for public accounting firms. In this course we look at the current climate on auditing to develop an understanding of how to perform an audit, how auditing standards are set in conjunction by the regulators and the industry, and how recent rule changes now allow for a more personal touch by the auditor.
1. Apply professional skepticism and judgement using case studies.
2. Understand how auditing is performed and how it will continue to be a useful control mechanism.
Those who face auditors or auditors or to appreciate the auditing climate.
May May Ho
May May Ho qualified as a Fellow Chartered Accountant ("FCA") under the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) in 2007 after training with Ernst and Young in London. She is a UK and Singapore Chartered Accountant and holds an MSc in International Business from the University of Lancaster, UK. She has experience in financial auditing at Ernst and Young before moving on to regulatory reporting at Merrill Lynch and later the Royal Bank of Scotland. Since 2011 she has embarked on an academic and writing career drawing on her experiences and expertise. Away from work May May enjoys fashion and travelling.